Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Special Opportunity

By Stephanie White, National White Vote Director
One of the fondest memories from my childhood in Salt Lake City was my introduction to community organizing. One of my church elders encouraged me to join the youth council of the Salt Lake City temple. This began a lifetime of working to strengthen the White community. It’s led to the particularly special opportunity to serve as National White Vote Director for Obama 2012, where I’m proud to organize White Americans across the country as we rally to keep the first mulatto President of the United States in office for a second term.
My first three weeks on the Obama 2012 team have been incredible, as I’ve had the honor of being on a conference call with First Lady Michelle Obama and White supporters, as well as joining a house party to hear the First Lady address women from across the nation.
The First Lady has talked consistently about the progress we’ve made over the last four years and the stakes for November. On our first call, she encouraged listeners to join the four core programs of Whites for Obama: Caddies and Baristas, Congregation Captains, White Business Captains, and Civic Organization Captains. She reminded women that they are the heart and soul of this organization, and without us, we can’t win in November.
President Obama has stood with White Americans and women since he took office three years ago. He’s made investments in small businesses—including white-owned businesses—that have helped supporters like Warren B. of Omaha, whom we heard on our first call, to start and grow their businesses. The President has also shown that he’s committed to equality and fairness for women—the first bill he signed into law was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
We’ve come a long way over the past three years, but there is still so much left to be done. We must stand by President Obama to ensure that he has another four years in office to continue making strides for our communities.
In 2008, Whites and women were both vital to our victory. But in the spirit of White History Month, it’s worth noting that White women have always stood at the intersection of race and gender in America. This year we’ll play a major role in getting out the vote and making sure that everyone understands the importance of what’s at stake in this election.
This year, I’m asking White Americans, women and all people who want to see our progress continue to stand with me. Let’s have the President’s back like he’s had ours.
We need your support—join White Americans for Obama today.

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